Sunday, March 2, 2008

Followed Footsteps

Sure I'm drunk. Sorry people that don't think I drink, but I do. I write this, drunk, thank goodness for spell check, am I right? I regret a few things in my life;
Let us consider that I left my first real love for things fleeting and undecided.
I led someone on, someone that was infinitely nice to me, without a second thought. I've left people behind that care about me, and I'm sorry for that.
I just hope they're with people that can give them more happiness than I can.
The future is weird. I could end up anywhere, and answers are fleeting.
Honestly, I might end up in Colorado, Arizona, or somewhere more exotic.
Tell me, am I insane for thinking I can make a life without schooling?
Or do I have some merit questioning it considering I have no ambition?
What happened so that I don't consider options like most people?

Again, to the people I hurt because I'm an undecisive ass, I'm sorry,
I still love both of you.

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